freeradius compiled again, same trouble with AD

tnt at tnt at
Tue Oct 7 14:22:46 CEST 2008

>i did now all following step by step 
>and when y type radiusd -X
>at the end of the output i see:
>/etc/openradius/raddb/users[1]: Parse error (check) for entry users: Unknown value ntlm_auth for attribute Auth-Type
>Errors reading /etc/openradius/raddb/users
>/etc/openradius/raddb/modules/files[7]: Instantiation failed for module "files"
>/etc/openradius/raddb/sites-enabled/inner-tunnel[111]: Failed to find module "files".
>/etc/openradius/raddb/sites-enabled/inner-tunnel[34]: Errors parsing authorize section.
> }

Add ntlm_auth to athenticate section of inner-tunnel virual server as
well. You have probably added it just to default virtual server.

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

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