sqlcounter returning wrong value?

Venkatesh K kaevee at gmail.com
Fri Oct 31 01:26:44 CET 2008

2008/10/31  <tnt at kalik.net>:
> It does make sense. rlm_sqlcounterworks like this toward the time of the
> reset: lets say you have an hour left, your limit is 20 hours and you
> have signed in 15 minutes before counter reset time.  When code
> calculates that you can be online at reset time it doesn't return your
> allowance (1 hour) but adds the limit for the next conting period (20
> hours) to the remaining time (15 minutes) and returns that value (20
> hours and 15 minutes). Reasoning is that your session shouldn't be
> discontinued after an hour becouse 15 minutes into the session new limit
> should come into force (and session limit can't be changed during the
> session).
> In your case there is about 2,000,000 left on the counter but only a few
> thousand seconds left to the end of the reset period, so code will add
> those few thousands to the next period limit (26,000,000) and return
> that value. Code doesn't "know" are you counting data or time as
> there is  no such configuration item.
> Venkatesh had posted the patch that switches off this peace of code for
> data counters by introducing that configuration item. You should try it.

rlm_sqlcounter has one more limitation. In version 1.1.7, the maximum
counter value was limited to <2G whereas in 2.1.1 it seems to be <4G.
This imposes an artificial limitation of maximum of 4GB of downloads.
I had a workaround where I patched rlm_sqlcounter to limit the per
session downloads to 4GB if allowed usage exceeds 4GB.

Except this issue, I think, with the patch I posted earlier, one
should be fine with rlm_sqlcounter. If someone needs a patch to work
around the 2GB/4GB limit, I will post the patch.


Venkatesh k

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