sqlcounter problem after upgrading to 2.1.0

tnt at kalik.net tnt at kalik.net
Wed Sep 17 12:39:07 CEST 2008

It's to do with operators rather than tables. "=" will not replace
attribute value if one already exists. ":=" will.

There is a case for blocking this in cases when same attribute has both
user and group sql entry. That would enable for user entries to take
preferance over group entries even when ":=" operator is used.

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

Dana 17/9/2008, "J M Toms" <jmtoms at gmail.com> piše:

>FYI, radreply items override radgroupreply. I have Idle-Timeout in
>both radreply and radgroupreply and user's values override what is set
>in groups.
>Why is this processing order different for check items? It is quite
>natural to set default values in group and override the defaults for
>some users by setting it in user table. Just curious..
>On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 5:14 PM, J M Toms <jmtoms at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Ivan,
>> Thanks for quick reply. Deleting the radgroupcheck entry did the trick.
>> Regards,
>> JT
>> 2008/9/16  <tnt at kalik.net>:
>>> And the point of radgroupcheck entry (apart from overwriting the radcheck
>>> entry - radcheck entry gets processed first, than radgruopcheck entry
>>> overwrites it) is? Remove that entry and store that value somewhere else
>>> - not in radius schema. Create an additional table and store such stuff
>>> there.
>>> Ivan Kalik
>>> Kalik Informatika ISP
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