Client-IP-Address attribute in the request

Adam Osuchowski adwol at
Wed Aug 5 12:59:44 CEST 2009


I can't obtain Client-IP-Address attribute in %RAD_REQUEST hash in rlm_perl.
In default server config from version 2.1.6, I noticed such a fragment:

    #  It also adds the %{Client-IP-Address} attribute to the request.

I browse through the sources of FR version 2.1.6 and it seems that
rlm_preprocess module set only NAS-IP-Address attribute (under some
circumstances) but not Client-IP-Address. However, in FR 1.1.7 sources,
in the same module I see that version do it:

    nas = paircreate(PW_CLIENT_IP_ADDRESS, PW_TYPE_IPADDR);
    if (!nas) {
      radlog(L_ERR, "No memory");
      return -1;
    nas->lvalue = request->packet->src_ipaddr;
    ip_hostname(nas->strvalue, sizeof(nas->strvalue), nas->lvalue);
    pairadd(&request->packet->vps, nas);

Is it obsoleted or something like that? Is there any other method to
add Client-IP-Address attribute to the request beside patching FR 2.1.6?


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