simulation of the radius

Omer Faruk SEN omer at
Sun Aug 30 04:55:12 CEST 2009

Maybe ntradping can help (

Friday, August 28, 2009, 8:19:00 AM, you wrote:

Hello ,some body know if exist a software platform for simulation of the radius out of an production envairoment.
I configure radius in my first upon with pgsql an "freeradius -X" give me
freeradius listen 1813 1815 1817 ports for auth pass an proxy and waiting request
seemingly ok.
But i need to prove it without a NAS ,for work reason i can not affect the services with a prove
Some body know if i can use for a prove with radius a modem, a software or some thing thus

Best regards,
 Omer                            mailto:omer at
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