Radius Logs in database (It was Re: rlm_ldap logs)

Sergio Belkin sebelk at gmail.com
Mon Aug 31 15:20:12 CEST 2009

2009/8/28 Sergio Belkin <sebelk at gmail.com>:
> Hi I am using Version 2.1.1 with openldap on Centos 5
> I wonder if is feasible dumping to logs when user gets login incorrect
> if due to non-existance of that uid on Ldap.
> Thanks in advance!
> --
> --
Shame on me!  That's is something that already logs do:

Fri Aug 28 18:48:08 2009 : Auth: Login incorrect (rlm_ldap: User not
found): [zzzzz at zzzzzz.zzz] (from client ZZZZ port 0 via TLS tunnel)

Thanks y Sorry

Even so I'd like to find a way to store radius logs on a database.
Does exist such a tool? I need to perform some queries on them, for
example, what users that had an incorrect login (eg bad password or
certificate) after some time they could get an OK.

Perhaps, some of you have an idea about how can I do that.

Thanks in advance
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