problem with ip_pools -- revisited

Marco C. Coelho maillist1 at
Thu Jan 15 20:43:54 CET 2009

Ok here's where I'm at now:

I added a second IP Pool  in my radius.conf.  If I create a user account 
with a group that only lists that new IP Pool (main_pool2), I get an 
address in that pool.  The problem is when I have a user in a group that 
uses both pools (main_pool and main_pool2), when the first pool runs out 
of IP addresses, the second pool does not get used.

Below are all sections of the radius.conf that I've got the pools called 

any suggestions are greatly appreciated.  Help!


 ippool main_pool {

    #  range-start,range-stop: The start and end ip
    #  addresses for the ip pool
    range-start =
    range-stop =

    #  netmask: The network mask used for the ip's
    netmask =

    #  cache-size: The gdbm cache size for the db
    #  files. Should be equal to the number of ip's
    #  available in the ip pool
    cache-size = 762

    # session-db: The main db file used to allocate ip's to clients
    session-db = ${raddbdir}/db.ippool

    # ip-index: Helper db index file used in multilink
    ip-index = ${raddbdir}/db.ipindex

    # override: Will this ippool override a Framed-IP-Address already set
    override = no

    # maximum-timeout: If not zero specifies the maximum time in seconds an
    # entry may be active. Default: 0
    maximum-timeout = 0

  ippool main_pool2 {

    #  range-start,range-stop: The start and end ip
    #  addresses for the ip pool
    range-start =
    range-stop =

    #  netmask: The network mask used for the ip's
    netmask =

    #  cache-size: The gdbm cache size for the db
    #  files. Should be equal to the number of ip's
    #  available in the ip pool
    cache-size = 762

    # session-db: The main db file used to allocate ip's to clients
    session-db = ${raddbdir}/db.ippool2

    # ip-index: Helper db index file used in multilink
    ip-index = ${raddbdir}/db.ipindex2

    # override: Will this ippool override a Framed-IP-Address already set
    override = no

    # maximum-timeout: If not zero specifies the maximum time in seconds an
    # entry may be active. Default: 0
    maximum-timeout = 0

accounting {

post-auth {
  #  Get an address from the IP Pool.

redundant {
# added by mcc per suggestions 11/9/08
# reply_log

Marco C. Coelho wrote:
> I've been trying to get my second set up IP address' working.  The 
> main_pool works correctly.  main_pool2 does not appear to ever issue 
> more than 2 ip addresses.
> you had previously mentioned:
> Marco C. Coelho wrote:
>>> >>   Did you put "main_pool" and "main_pool" into a fail-over section, as
>>> >> documented in "man unlang" ?
>>> >>   
>> > 
>> > No,  and I must be blind, because I have read the section and cannot
>> > find mention of it.
>   Sorry, the "redundant" section should do what you want.
>   Alan DeKok.
> I cannot find a redundant section in this radiusd.conf
> my radiusd.conf contains:
>  ippool main_pool {
>     #  range-start,range-stop: The start and end ip
>     #  addresses for the ip pool
>     range-start =
>     range-stop =
>     #  netmask: The network mask used for the ip's
>     netmask =
>     #  cache-size: The gdbm cache size for the db
>     #  files. Should be equal to the number of ip's
>     #  available in the ip pool
>     cache-size = 762
>     # session-db: The main db file used to allocate ip's to clients
>     session-db = ${raddbdir}/db.ippool
>     # ip-index: Helper db index file used in multilink
>     ip-index = ${raddbdir}/db.ipindex
>     # override: Will this ippool override a Framed-IP-Address already set
>     override = no
>     # maximum-timeout: If not zero specifies the maximum time in 
> seconds an
>     # entry may be active. Default: 0
>     maximum-timeout = 0
>   }
>   ippool main_pool2 {
>     #  range-start,range-stop: The start and end ip
>     #  addresses for the ip pool
>     range-start =
>     range-stop =
>     #  netmask: The network mask used for the ip's
>     netmask =
>     #  cache-size: The gdbm cache size for the db
>     #  files. Should be equal to the number of ip's
>     #  available in the ip pool
>     cache-size = 762
>     # session-db: The main db file used to allocate ip's to clients
>     session-db = ${raddbdir}/db.ippool2
>     # ip-index: Helper db index file used in multilink
>     ip-index = ${raddbdir}/db.ipindex2
>     # override: Will this ippool override a Framed-IP-Address already set
>     override = no
>     # maximum-timeout: If not zero specifies the maximum time in 
> seconds an
>     # entry may be active. Default: 0
>     maximum-timeout = 0
>   }
> **********************************It also has:
> #  Accounting.  Log the accounting data.
> #
> accounting {
>   #
>   #  Create a 'detail'ed log of the packets.
>   #  Note that accounting requests which are proxied
>   #  are also logged in the detail file.
>   detail
>   main_pool
>   main_pool2
> **********************************It also has:
> #  Post-Authentication
> #  Once we KNOW that the user has been authenticated, there are
> #  additional steps we can take.
> post-auth {
>   #  Get an address from the IP Pool.
>   main_pool
>   main_pool2
>   #
>   #  If you want to have a log of authentication replies,
>   #  un-comment the following line, and the 'detail reply_log'
>   #  section, above.
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