sql insert via unlang

Anton Borisov antonio at mccinet.ru
Wed Jan 28 07:48:07 CET 2009

Good day!
Thank you for your reply.

I try to add prepaid system to my equipment.
In this case when quota is reached, equipment sends Access-Request with 
quota comsumed and I need to store this data in sql. But. Unfortunately, 
I must think about how many on-line customers send quota to sql in same 
time. Yes, I can write perl script with sql insert and update and 
freeradius will execute this one every time for quota data. But, I think 
this is not for system with many customers.
Do you mean Exec-programm perl? If you are talking about something else, 
please, give me some examples...
Sorry for my language.

Thank you!

tnt at kalik.net wrote:
>> /*
>>  *      sql xlat function. Right now only SELECTs are supported. Only
>>  *      the first element of the SELECT result will be used.
>>  */
>> Oh, I am really very interested in INSERT sql. Please, tell me, Is this
>> right? Can I insert or update any data into my DB? Can I use another way
>> for INSERT sql data when I do not use  sql accounting and
>> accounting_start_query/stop_query statement?
>> I need to insert or update sql data when my customers do authorize check.
> I use perl.
> Ivan Kalik
> Kalik Informatika ISP
> -
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Yours faithfully,
Anton Borisov.
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