Building FreeRADIUS2 on Solaris10

Steven Carr steven.carr at
Tue Jul 7 10:11:47 CEST 2009

Are there any instructions for building FreeRADIUS2 on Solaris10? (or
any prebuilt packages anywhere?)

I must comment the state of FreeRADIUS documentation is atrocious, it
has taken me days to get our RADIUS implementation up and running due to
the amount of outdated or lack of documentation (instead of what could
have been hours). The wiki mayaswell not exist as 90% of it is relating
to v1 of FreeRADIUS which is no longer maintained, and the configuration
of v2 is completely different.



Steven Carr
Systems Development Officer
SLS/ITS/Systems - (0191) 515 3953

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