realm in User-Name stripped in accounting data?

ST Wong (ITSC) ST at
Wed Jul 8 17:47:47 CEST 2009

>> We setup proxy (on freeradius 2.1.3) by putting following lines in 
>> users and acct_users:
>> DEFAULT         Huntgroup-Name == Aruba, Aruba-Essid-Name == "Univ
>> WiFi", Realm != "localream.mydomain", Proxy-to-realm := "remoteRealm"
>> Authentication works properly while User-Name in accounting data, the

>> @realm part is removed.
>Is it there in Access-Accept? If username is stripped in Access-Accept
it won't be present in accounting packets.

No, it's not in Access-Accept...  Is it possible to append @realm part
to proxied User-Name field in accounting data (or somewhere else where

Thanks a lot.
/ST Wong

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