freeRADIUS first test with PostgreSQL?

Just E. Mail justemail at
Thu May 28 19:50:06 CEST 2009

I am ready to test my first freeRADIUS server with PostgreSQK backend.

He is my setup:

freeRADIUS Server:
-CentOS 5.3
-freeRADIUS V# 2.1.6 (RPM install)
-PostgreSQL V# 8.3.7  (RPM install) - Client

eth0: Connect to the Internet
eth1: Connected to the backend server thru a hub

Backend Server:
-CentOS 5.3
-PostgreSQL V# 8.3.7  (RPM install) - Server
eth0: Connects to freeRADIUSserver via a hub.

Both servers talk. I have
First I configured the necessary files (without backend SQL) and tested 
the RADIUS server in debug mode:

radtest  testid  testpw  localhost  0  testing123           -and-

Test was a SUCCESS!!!
Now I have configured so that freeRADIUS uses the backend for sql 
data/tables.  I have created the radius database & radius role. I have 
created RADIUS tables from schema.sql text file.
Now I need HELP. 

I need to add a couple of USER/PW into the PostgreSQL tables to test.

How do I do that?
Is there a GUI to add UID/PW?
Are UID/PW added manually?
Where can read about it? (Please donotjust point to the manual. I have 
read them all. At least mention Chapter #)
What else should I know?

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