Groups of NASs by IP

Alexander Clouter alex at
Wed Nov 25 12:36:55 CET 2009

Leighton Man < at> wrote:
> I would like to group NASs by ip address but as I have a few hundred, 
> I don't want to maintain a list.
> Can I configure ip address ranges in huntgroups eg. Group1 
> NAS-IP-Address == - 105 If not, can I use regular 
> expressions?
> How else can I do this? What is the best way?
I used to use huntgroups to do this, however recently discovered in the 
mailing list archives that the clients.conf file can be used to better 
effect with grouping:
client {
        shortname       = switch
        secret          = blar
client {
	shortname	= switch
	secret		= hoot

	vendor		= allied-telesis
client {
        shortname       = console
        secret          = honk

Then in your virtual server you can use something like:
authorize {


  update request {
      # NAS-Vendor is a local custom dict addition
      NAS-Vendor      := "%{client:vendor}"
      NAS-Identifier  := "%{client:shortname}"





Your 'users' file then has:
DEFAULT NAS-Identifier == switch, NAS-Vendor == allied-telesis, LDAP-Group == netref
        Service-Type = Administrative-User
DEFAULT NAS-Identifier == switch, LDAP-Group == netref
        Service-Type = NAS-Prompt-User, Cisco-AVPair = "shell:priv-lvl=15"
DEFAULT NAS-Identifier == switch, Auth-Type := Reject

You can actually add *anything* to the client subsections ('shortname' 
and 'secret' are the only FreeRADIUS variables in there, the 'vendor' 
bit is not known to FreeRADIUS) and FreeRADIUS will simply ignore it but 
it is accessible via '%{client:NAME}'.

The advantage with this approach is that you are doing the NAS grouping 
in the clients.conf file rather than potentially duplicating it in the 
'hints' and/or huntgroups file.


Alexander Clouter
.sigmonster says: Your boyfriend takes chocolate from strangers.

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