Freeradius start at boot

John Dennis jdennis at
Thu Oct 1 16:53:09 CEST 2009

On 10/01/2009 10:43 AM, Paul Blalock wrote:
> radiusd is already running on that port. When checking /etc/rc.d/rc3.d I
> found a file named "S88radiusd". I thought that the "Address already in
> use" error was supposed to happen if trying to start a second instance
> of the same service?

It is the same service. You need to educate yourself on how System V 
initscripts work. This really isn't a topic for this list, it's basic 
system administration. Google "System V initscripts" you should find a 
wealth of information.

I hope you didn't mess with any of the links under /etc/rc* These are 
managed by chkconfig.

John Dennis <jdennis at>

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