Info: rlm_sql (sql): There are no DB handles to use! skipped 0, tried to connect 0

Gianni Olivieri gianni.olivieri at
Mon Oct 12 10:53:44 CEST 2009

Hi to all,

   I've installad freeradius on a Debian box with Mysql DB.
After the upgrade from freeradius version 1.7 and freeradius 2.x I 
notice that sometimes, but everyday, the freeradius doesn't respond. I 
must do a /etc/init.d/freeradius restart

In my log:
Mon Oct 12 10:24:45 2009 : Info: rlm_sql (sql): There are no DB handles 
to use! skipped 0, tried to connect 0

The only modification that I have made to conf is:

with Freeradius 1.7
radius:/etc/freeradius# cat ../freeradius.orig/acct_users
DEFAULT         Acct-Status-Type == "Start"
                Exec-Program = "/etc/freeradius/SCRIPT/ 
DEFAULT         Acct-Status-Type == "Stop"
                Exec-Program = "/etc/freeradius/SCRIPT/ 

on Freeradius 2.x I've modified the accounting conf file:

#  Accounting.  Log the accounting data
accounting {
               if (Acct-Status-Type == Start) {
                       update reply {                       
                             Tmp-String-0 = 
"%{exec:/etc/freeradius/SCRIPT/ %{User-Name}}"               
                if (Acct-Status-Type == Stop) {
                        update reply {
                             Tmp-String-0 = 
"%{exec:/etc/freeradius/SCRIPT/ %{User-Name}}"

I need to launch a script with after login and logout.

Maybe this script cause some problems? It's a simple python script that 
update a field in db (online/offiline flag).
Can I substitute this external script with a query inside freeradius?
How can I create a custom (new) query and lunch it from the accounting 

#  Accounting.  Log the accounting data
accounting {
               if (Acct-Status-Type == Start) {
                       update reply {                       
                             LAUNCH MYQUERY HERE FOR A SPECIFIC 
                if (Acct-Status-Type == Stop) {
                        update reply {
                            LAUNCH MYQUERY HERE FOR A SPECIFIC USER

OR... may the problem is some slow query... but... how can I debug this? 
can someone suggest me a method?

Best regards.

Gianni Olivieri
SICE Telecomunicazioni
Via Tazio Nuvolari, 53
55061 - Carraia (LU) - ITALY
Tel. +39 0583 980787
Fax +39 0583 981495
gianni.olivieri at

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