Freeradius2 configuration challenges ( Binding IP address & failure of radtest

adaigle at adaigle at
Wed Oct 14 18:42:59 CEST 2009


I am new with FreeRadius and trying to get Freeradius2, version 2.1.7  running on top of CentOS , to do a simple test with WLAN users.

First off all, I am not able to configure the raduis server with an IP address .

I am getting the following message:

[root at localhost Alain]# /usr/sbin/radiusd -i -p 1812 -X

FreeRADIUS Version 2.1.7, for host i386-redhat-linux-gnu, built on Sep 18 2009 at 10:59:17

radiusd: #### Opening IP addresses and Ports ####

Failed binding to authentication address port 1812: Cannot assign requested address 

There appears to be another RADIUS server running on the authentication port 1812

Second when I leave in the radiusd.conf file and I use localhost. I get the following message doing a radtest :

[root at localhost Alain]# radtest steve testing localhost 1812 testing123 
Sending Access-Request of id 170 to port 1812 
        User-Name = "steve" 
        User-Password = "testing" 
        NAS-IP-Address = 
        NAS-Port = 1812 
rad_recv: Access-Reject packet from host port 1812, id=170, length=20 

The following is what appear on the radiusd debug screen:

[pap] WARNING! No "known good" password found for the user.  Authentication may fail because of this. 
++[pap] returns noop 
No authenticate method (Auth-Type) configuration found for the request: Rejecting the user 

Thanks for your help !


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