Question regarding retrying of requests in detail-combined file

Patric patricrt at
Thu Oct 15 09:04:51 CEST 2009

Hi all  :)

FreeRADIUS 2.1.7
CentOS 5.2

I am not too sure where to start here so I will describe the symptoms 

I have 2 freeradius servers that both receive accounting requests, and 
proxy these requests to each other, as well as log these requests to a 
detail file.
I have noticed now that while server A is processing the detail-combined 
file and proxying the requests to server B, server B will fail to get a 
lock on its detail file, and the request will fail. When this happens it 
is not passing anything back to server A, and server A does not seem to 
be timing out the request, so it stops processing the detail-combined 
file and just sits there.

A bit more in depth, server B is still running FR 1.1.6. I am in the 
process of updating to 2.1.7 but am being delayed due to outdated OS, so 
am moving this lot to a new server. The lock fail is occurring when 
server B tries to get a lock on the detail-combined file, so it is very 
likely that I have had the proxying setup incorrectly here all along, 
but since it is 1.1.6 I do not expect help here...

What I would like to try figure out is how to get server A (2.1.7) to 
time out a proxy request and retry it...

Any pointers to sections/docs would be great as always,

Thanks a mill!

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