Probably simple problem

Paul Ryszka paul at
Thu Oct 29 13:42:34 CET 2009


  Sorry for that the problem was simple I just forgot to put " on the
end of the line. I guess I spent too much time going over it yesterday.
  Anyway I am also looking at implementing MSSQL authentication back-end
and I was looking at this guide
however I remember reading that I shoudl not use Auth-Type unless
absolutely necessary, would somebody be able to tell me how to replace
that one ?
I am new to freeradius so probably there are some obvious things that I
just cannot grasp.

On Wed, 2009-10-28 at 22:29 +0000, Paul Ryszka wrote:
> Hello,
> I have problem that looks strange to me and probably is obvious but I
> can't find the solution. I try to authenticate freeradius against AD
> using ntlm auth :

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