Fwd: FreeRadius2&MySQL

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Thu Aug 5 08:44:18 CEST 2010

shark_l wrote:
> A piece of advice: DO NOT deploy Freeradius2 now! I am using FreeRadius
> 2.1.9 + Mysql 5.3 on FreeBSD 8.1, and the radiusd exits abnormally
> (although it says "info: exiting normally" by itself ) many times a
> day!  I have been driven mad! and I decide to revert to freeradius 1.1.8. 

  If you have issues with the server, ask questions on the list.  DON'T
wait weeks, and then recommend that other people use 1.1.x.

> Believe me, or you can search "exit normally but unexpectedly" in
> maillist archive yourself.

  The issue was reported on FreeBSD.  The problem was tracked down by
another list subscriber, and the fix is in the git v2.1.x branch.  The
fix will be in 2.1.10.

> PS: deployment of freeradius is rather easy. Read its sample
> configuration files, and you will find them easy to understand.

  I'm glad that the documentation is good.

  Alan DeKok.

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