about kick off oldest user

Martín Ruiz [Ibersystems.es] martinruiz at ibersystems.es
Mon Dec 27 10:31:03 CET 2010

LOL, only to know.. why you need to do this? If you kick the older user,
you'll become the older user, and the other will kick you.. Only faster will
survive for minutes... xD

2010/12/27 Spacelee <fjctlzy at gmail.com>

> Hi, everyone.
> I have set an attribute Simultaneous-Use := 1 to an account name Test, and
> when I use Test to double login, I will get the authentication failed the
> second time, what I want is when I login the second time, the server just
> kick off the first login of Test, is it possible? Do I need to change the
> source code if I need to implement this function?
> Thanks.
> --
> *Space Lee*
> -
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* Martín Ruiz*
* *
 *Ibersystems Solutions, SL*
* *
Dpto. Redes Inalámbricas

Tel.  902 909 858
       93 184 52 13
       669 37 95 21

Fax 93 758 63 01

martinruiz at ibersystems.es

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