dictionary per nas

Alan Buxey A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk
Mon Feb 1 16:39:51 CET 2010


> I want to replace our old CiscoSecure Radius-Server to a new version of FreeRadius (2.1.8).

good move :-)

> I´ve checked several things but one thing I miss on FreeRadius:
> On CiscoSecure it was possible to bound a NAS to a dedicated dictionary.
> I need this feature now on the FreeRadius

okay  - so if you want to treat one NAS different on FR 2.1.8
simply define a new virtual_server for it... check the clients.conf
for example. with its own virtual_server you can use completely different
settings, SQL, unlang etc etc

alternatively, use the same virtual servers but put unlang code into place
to deal with that NAS differently eg.. (quick pseudo code, dont trust!)

if(NAS-Ip-Address == ""){

then copy the SQL file and edit it to be special-SQL
eg so instead of eg

sql {

blah blah


it starts

sql special-SQL {

blah blah




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