Proxy to two RADIUS Servers

Stefan A. a.freeradius at
Mon Jun 14 19:47:53 CEST 2010

I checked, whether I am able to manually proxy from sites-available/default,
using unlang.
It works fine, using the following commands.

	if (request:Acct-Status-Type == "Start" || request:Acct-Status-Type
== "Stop") {
		if (request:Called-Station-Id  == "") {
			update control { 
				Replicate-To-Realm += "DEST1"

But I do not get it to work, if I try to proxy the same packet to two

	if (request:Acct-Status-Type == "Start" || request:Acct-Status-Type
== "Stop") {
		if (request:Called-Station-Id  == "") {
			update control { 
				Replicate-To-Realm += "DEST1"
				Replicate-To-Realm += "DEST2"

I only uses the first 'Replicate-To-Realm' entry DEST1 and does not seem to
cycle through a list or destination RADIUS Servers...

Is this the intended behavior? Should I go for 'copy-acct-to-home-server' ?
How much delay would this add between writing the file and sending the
packet to the home server?

Thank you

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