Segmentation fault on 2.1.7 during HUP

Alan DeKok aland at
Wed May 19 08:31:49 CEST 2010

coja wrote:
> Hello all!
> We use 2.1.7 version of freeradius+mysql 5 running on RHEL4u8.
> We tried to apply PIN authentication based on file users which located in
> /etc/raddb.
> I inserted to crontab reload  (HUP) command which runs every 30 minutes.

  In 2.1.8 you can use "radmin" to reload *just* the "files" module.
That may help.

  See raddb/sites-available/control-socket.  You will need to set "mode
= rw".  Then,

$ radmin -e "hup files"

  And *just* the files module will be reloaded.

  Or... put the user information into a database.  That way no HUP is

  Alan DeKok.

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