another wpa/ldap issue

Alan DeKok aland at
Wed May 26 17:11:50 CEST 2010

Brian Dial wrote:
> hello everyone, i have a typical wpa + radius + ldap issue. Im using freeradius 2.1.6. i've tried to follow the 'dont edit anything but the ldap module, it will figure it out' mantra as much as possible.  i have an openldap server and the test user i'm using has a plain text password.  here is my ldap module config
> and now when i run the radtest there is no error, and it pretty much works the same.  Now I setup my cisco 1200 series ap to point to the freeradius server and configured a laptop to try to connect via EAP-TTLS with PAP.  Here is the debug 

  Edit raddb/sites-available/inner-tunnel, just like you edited

  Alan DeKok.

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