check ldap users with different client IP's

Alan DeKok aland at
Fri May 28 19:09:31 CEST 2010

Stephon Chen wrote:
> hello all
> I've used freeradius as the front of a LDAP server.
> Here, I want to allow different access rights for each LDAP group &
> client ip address
> For example below:
> user X in LDAP group A, from ip  IP-A
> user Y in LDAP group B, from ip IP-B

  Pretty much exactly that, using "unlang".

> if the user is from IP-A and user in LDAP group A, then send
> Accept-Accept packet
> How do this be done with freeradius?

  authorize {

    if ((User-Name == "X") && \
        (LDAP-Group == "A") && \
        (Packet-Src-IP-Address == IP-A)) {
       ... something ...

    elseif ((User-Name == "Y") ...
         ... more comparisons ...

    else {

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