Setting Service-Type (perl module)

Rowley, Mathew Mathew_Rowley at
Tue Oct 26 22:37:43 CEST 2010

I am having the strangest behavior with the perl module when trying to set
Service-Type.  First, I have a hash of radius attributes and their values
(%AVP) that I want to set.  Initially I did:

        foreach my $key (keys %AVP)
                push @{$RAD_REPLY{"$key"}}, $AVP{$key};

And it would fail when trying to set 'Service-Type'. So, I then thought
instead of pushing it on to RAD_REPLY, id just set it:

        foreach my $key (keys %AVP)
                $RAD_REPLY{"$key"} = $AVP{$key};

Still failed. Then I tried to statically set it:

        foreach my $key (keys %AVP)
                $RAD_REPLY{"$key"} = $AVP{$key};
        $RAD_REPLY{'Service-Type'} = "Administrative-User";

That seemed to work (before and after the foreach loop). The only fix I
currently have is to do:

1        foreach my $key (keys %AVP)
2        {
3                if($key == 'Service-Type' && $AVP{$key} ==
4                        $RAD_REPLY{'Service-Type'} =
5                } else {
6                        $RAD_REPLY{$key} = $AVP{$key};
7                }
8        }

Which makes absolutely no sense to me for a few reasons:

1. Line 3 checks static values, and sets those exact same static values...
Why wouldn¹t it work with variables for the RAD_REPLY key/value?
2. Line 6 will still work with multiple attributes with the same $key
(meaning, there can be 10 "Cisco-AVPair" and it will add them all instead
of just replacing the last one)

Anyone have some insight?  Thanks.

On 10/26/10 1:57 PM, "Rowley, Mathew" <Mathew_Rowley at>

>Thanks ­ I am also not sure that the users file is actually being
>processed. In the debug output I see:
>Tue Oct 26 15:36:17 2010 : Debug: usersfile =
>But I don¹t see any of the users content from the debug output like I see
>from the other files.
>The config files have all been jumbled due to someone else doing
>configurations ­ is there a configuration I need to force processing of
>the users file?
>From: Alexandre Chapellon
><alexandre.chapellon at<mailto:alexandre.chapellon at>>
>Organization: MANA SAS
>Reply-To: FreeRadius users mailing list
><freeradius-users at<mailto:freeradius-users at lists.freer
>Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2010 09:45:04 -1000
>To: FreeRadius users mailing list
><freeradius-users at<mailto:freeradius-users at lists.freer
>Subject: Re: Setting Service-Type
>A solution would be to use the operator ":=" instead of "=" in users file
>with the default entry (should work using unlang too).
>Le mardi 26 octobre 2010 à 19:23 +0000, Rowley, Mathew a écrit :
>I have a perl module that I want to set the Service-Type attribute, but
>am getting this error:
>Tue Oct 26 14:54:25 2010 : Debug: rlm_perl: ERROR: Failed to create pair
>Service-Type = Administrative-User
>I am thinking its due to the request having the Service-Type already set.
>Does anyone know if its possible to override that?
>I have also tried to just statically set the Service-Type in the users
>file via:
>Service-Type = Administrative-User
>Nothing seems to set it. The request looks like:
>rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 32769,
>id=43, length=79
>User-Name = "user"
>User-Password = "pass"
>Service-Type = NAS-Prompt-User
>NAS-IP-Address =
>NAS-Identifier = "Security_lab"
>Anyone have ideas on how I can change the Service-Type?
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