problems with dynamic vlan assignment

Alexander Clouter alex at
Thu Sep 16 00:31:52 CEST 2010

Eric Doutreleau <Eric.Doutreleau at> wrote:
> i m using freeradius 2.1.9 and i have some problems with making dynamic 
> vlan assignment based on vlan.
> here what i have in my users file
> DEFAULT User-Category == "student"
>        Reply-Message = "Your a member of the student Group",
>        Tunnel-Type = VLAN,
>        Tunnel-Medium-Type = IEEE-802,
>        Tunnel-Private-Group-Id = 902,
>        Fall-Through = No
> DEFAULT User-Category == "employee"
>        Reply-Message = "Your a member of the employee Group",
>        Tunnel-Type = VLAN,
>        Tunnel-Medium-Type = IEEE-802,
>        Tunnel-Private-Group-Id = 903,
>        Fall-Through = No
Eugh, do not do this, use the following sort of thing instead:
	Tunnel-Type := VLAN,
	Tunnel-Medium-Type := IEEE-802,
	Tunnel-Private-Group-Id = 901, <---- 'unauthorised'
	Fall-Through = Yes

DEFAULT	User-Category == "student"
	Tunnel-Private-Group-Id = 902  <---- 'student'

DEFAULT	User-Category == "employee"
	Tunnel-Private-Group-Id = 903  <---- 'employee'

> But as you can see in the following debug file my user is authenticated
> his radius item User-Category is employee but he never get the 
> attributes of vlan in the request
Looks like you need to flip the order of 'files' and 'eap' around as it 
is your eap (from the PEAP method) module that sets 'User-Category' 
however you are calling 'files' *before* User-Category is set.

Remember that the 'inner-auth' virtual server is a *unique* instance 
to your outer layer so 'User-Category' might be defined but only on the 
outside whilst it looks like you are calling 'files' *inside*.


Alexander Clouter
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