Expiration email

Marinko Tarlać mangia81 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 6 08:48:12 CET 2011

If you're asking me, I wouldn't mess with freeradius.

Maybe the better idea is to create a small cron script which can read 
the database and send email according to the date and the time diff you 
want (1, 2, 3 etc days before the expiration)

On 12/6/2011 3:54 AM, john decot wrote:
> Hi,
>     I am looking for how to send email before expiration of account. 
> The value used for the expiration in radius is character format. So, I 
> would like to know how to compare the expiration data and send email 
> accordingly.
> Thanks in advance.
> John.
> -
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