FreeRadius Authentication using Active Directory

Alan Buxey A.L.M.Buxey at
Mon Dec 19 23:06:15 CET 2011

>    I have followed several tutorials for setting up Active Directory with
>    FreeRadius.  When I run the ntlm_auth from the command line I get a
>    success message however when I run the radtest with the username and
>    password I get a Access-Reject.  I am using FreeRadius 1.8 and I have
>    included the message I get from radiusd -X.  Any input would be greatly
>    appreciated.

show the debug when FR runs the ntlm_auth part  - the small snippet you've
provided is not useful. there is no such version as 1.8 - i guess
you mean 1.1.8 - in which case, the best thing you can do is upgrade - 
to 2.1.x


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