Server Starts, but rejects test user

Fajar A. Nugraha list at
Wed Dec 28 05:53:02 CET 2011

On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 11:45 AM, Michael Aldridge
<aldridge.mac at> wrote:
> I set up the server with gracious help from the community, and now it starts
> without errors.  The problem comes in trying to get the test user to work.
>  The server simply replies with Access-Reject and awaits the next user.

... and what is the output of "radiusd -X"?

> Also, as a side note, what is the proper way to stop the server gracefully?

Depending on how you install it, there should be an init script. For
example, on Ubuntu, you'd do /etc/init.d/freeradius stop

>  Normally I just kill the associated PID#...

That's basically it. The init script does additional checks though
(e.g. check for PID file, try SIGTERM first, then if it doesn't
respond, try SIGKILL).


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