radwho with exact match not happening

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Thu Jun 2 10:13:11 CEST 2011

djadav wrote:
> when we give radwho -R -u <username>  it will give all user that match name.
> but i want to grep an exact match.
> For, Example,   abc, abc1, abc123,abc1264  user is connected.
> Now when i give radwho -R -u abc   
> then it will give all user connected with  abc/abc1.......  insted of exact
> match "abc"

  radwho doesn't do that.

  You will need to modify the source code to radwho in order to add that

  Or, store the login information in a database, and then use normal
database queries.  This is the recommended approach.

  Alan DeKok.

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