Packet tracing web interface

Alan Buxey A.L.M.Buxey at
Mon Mar 14 11:27:00 CET 2011


> > 
> > radmin
> I can't see how radmin would help here. Is it possible to use it to inject a
> test packet?  I can't see how, in which case I need to use radclient anyway.

you seem to have slectively edited Phils reply. 

radmin can indeed inject packets and give you reply....

radmin> inject ?
inject to <ipaddr> <port> - Inject packets to the destination IP and port.
inject from <ipaddr> - Inject packets as if they came from <ipaddr>
inject file <input-file> <output-file> - Inject packet from input-file>, with results sent to <output-file>

so, to revisit your flow,

>           post AV pairs
> browser ------------------> web app

okay. then use radmin to take those attributes and stick em into 
the running RADIUS server  (dont forget that using radiusd -X
can give interesting false results (it runs in single thread...a
real server runs in multithread mode)

get the output file from radmin and then..

>                              * gen HTML  <------------- [debug file]
>           HTML page          * unlock
>         <------------------


you could carry on ignoring initial advice sent from knowledgeable
people but we are trying to help with your quest.....


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