Need help on FreeRadius+OTP+OpenLDAP integration

Nicolas Goutte nicolas.goutte at
Mon Mar 14 17:49:29 CET 2011

Am 14.03.2011 um 17:40 schrieb pradyumna dash:

> Hi,

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first time.)

> I need a documentation on how to implement  FreeRadius+OTP+OpenLDAP, I
> have installed and configured FreeRadius+OpenLDAP before but never
> used OTP, and also would like to know how OTP will be configured with
> SASL and how does SASL auth store OTP parameters.
> Another problem am facing is, first there is an authentication with
> freeradius but the next thing that is triggered in pam.d/ssh is the
> "account" section for authorization and here OpenLDAP requires
> password for the second time.  So a user needs to login twice because
> of this.  How to solve this issue
> Please help me out to solve this issue.
> Regards,
> Pradyumna
> -
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Nicolas Goutte

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