Duplicate "Auth: Login OK:"

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Fri Mar 25 10:01:34 CET 2011

Fajar A. Nugraha wrote:
> I believe there's also another (possibly related) bug:
> I disabled eap completely (comment-out the line "$INCLUDE eap.conf" on
> radiusd.conf, removed sites-enabled/inner-tunnel, and removed all
> reference to "eap" on sites-available/default and my virtual server),
> yet with a simple "radtest" radius.log shows this:
> Fri Mar 25 10:42:08 2011 : Auth: Login OK: [xxxx at myrealm] (from client
> localhost port 0 via TLS tunnel)

  Two issues:

1) Why aren't you runnin in debugging mode, as suggested in the FAQ,
README, INSTALL, and daily on this list?  Honestly, it's not that hard.

2) No, you didn't disable EAP.

> Fri Mar 25 10:42:08 2011 : Auth: Login OK: [xxxx at myrealm] (from client
> localhost port 0)
> So far it's only annoying, so I just ignore it.

  It would help to pay attention to what the system is doing.

  Alan DeKok.

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