Reply-message stripped from access-reject response

sbcsgjmbbz at sbcsgjmbbz at
Sat May 14 12:28:30 CEST 2011


Using freeradius 1.1.3. Im trying to get freeradius to return a helpful 
reply-message in access-rejects to the NAS but the reply-message seems 
to get stripped from the access-reject packet. Ive configured the 
reply-message as below in /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default

post-auth {
     Post-Auth-Type REJECT {
         # Login failed
         update reply {
             Reply-Message = "Login Failure"

Using wireshark on the radius server, I can see the correct 
reply-message AVP as below

Radius Protocol
     Code: Access-Reject (3)
     Packet identifier: 0xda (218)
     Length: 35
     Authenticator: a6208196777dac6e68b45f647a46bc44
     [This is a response to a request in frame 1]
     [Time from request: 1.000227000 seconds]
     Attribute Value Pairs
         AVP: l=15  t=Reply-Message(18): Login Failure
             Reply-Message: Login Failure

However, on the receiving NAS, using wireshark, there is no 
reply-message AVP!

Radius Protocol
     Code: Access-Reject (3)
     Packet identifier: 0xda (218)
     Length: 20
     Authenticator: 30636716e333da33ac25c8253097b608
     [This is a response to a request in frame 1]
     [Time from request: 1.107899000 seconds]

Any ideas on what I could be doing wrong, It would be much appreciated!

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