Freeradius crash during EAP-TTLS authentication

Mulindwa meric_l at
Tue Mar 6 10:51:03 CET 2012

Hi Thomas,

How did manage to configure Freeradius with Huawei NAS, its a big challenge to me, have still failed.

Eric M

 From: Thomas Fagart <tfagart at>
To: freeradius-users at 
Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 12:19 PM
Subject: Freeradius crash during EAP-TTLS authentication

Since more than a year we're doing EAP-TTLS to authenticate Wimax Users on Alcatel and Huawei NASes.

Last week we've migrate Motorola authentication on freeradius. (no more radiator :-) ).

But then we've experienced freeradius crash.

Informations :
Software : Freeradius 2.1.12
OS : Freebsd8.0p4 64bits
Users :
Huawei = 500 users -> 0,5 requests per second
Alcatel = 1500 users -> 2 requests per second
Motorola = 8000 users -> 5 requests per second

The crash usually happen when home servers (ISP radius) does not respond, then the radius load goes up to 50/60 requests per second and after 40/50 minutes the radius crash.

Logs :
Tue Mar  6 00:40:17 2012 : Info: [eap_moto] Request found, released from the list
Tue Mar  6 00:40:17 2012 : Info: [eap_moto] EAP/ttls
Tue Mar  6 00:40:17 2012 : Info: [eap_moto] processing type ttls
Tue Mar  6 00:40:17 2012 : Info: [ttls] Authenticate
Tue Mar  6 00:40:17 2012 : Info: [ttls] processing EAP-TLS
Tue Mar  6 00:40:17 2012 : Info: [ttls] eaptls_verify returned 7
Tue Mar  6 00:40:17 2012 : Info: [ttls] Done initial handshake
Tue Mar  6 00:40:17 2012 : Info: [ttls]     (other): before/accept initialization
Tue Mar  6 00:40:17 2012 : Info: [ttls]     TLS_accept: before/accept initialization
Tue Mar  6 00:40:17 2012 : Info: [ttls] <<< TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 0053], ClientHello
Tue Mar  6 00:40:17 2012 : Info: [ttls]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 read client hello A
Tue Mar  6 00:40:17 2012 : Info: [ttls] >>> TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 002a], ServerHello
Tue Mar  6 00:40:17 2012 : Info: [ttls]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 write server hello A
Tue Mar  6 00:40:17 2012 : Info: [ttls] >>> TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 0b56], Certificate
Tue Mar  6 00:40:17 2012 : Info: [ttls]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 write certificate A
Tue Mar  6 00:40:17 2012 : Info: [ttls] >>> TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 018d], ServerKeyExchange
Tue Mar  6 00:40:17 2012 : Info: [ttls]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 write key exchange A
Tue Mar  6 00:40:17 2012 : Info: [ttls] >>> TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 0004], ServerHelloDone
Tue Mar  6 00:40:17 2012 : Info: [ttls]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 write server done A
Tue Mar  6 00:40:17 2012 : Info: [ttls]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 flush data
Tue Mar  6 00:40:17 2012 : Info: [ttls]     TLS_accept: Need to read more data: SSLv3 read client certificate A
Tue Mar  6 00:40:17 2012 : Debug: In SSL Handshake Phase
Tue Mar  6 00:40:17 2012 : Debug: In SSL Accept mode  Tbash: [65774: 2 (255)] tcsetattr: Interrupted system call
Killed: 9

It seems this is more related to SSL issue ?

Could you confirm this idea is correct ?

I can compile the radius in gdb to get more information if this is usefull.



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