help with DHCP server functionality

Fajar A. Nugraha list at
Thu Nov 1 22:58:03 CET 2012

On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 3:19 AM, Duane Cox <duanecox at> wrote:
> List:
> Hello.  I have been working on this for a few days and have turned here
> for help.
> The server is listening on port 67 and when a DHCP packet comes in the
> server processes it, but in debug mode it give an error "No Pool-Name
> defined".
> I have done some reading and I have added the following to the users
> file (for testing purposes).
> DEFAULT Pool-Name := main_pool
>         Fall-Through = Yes
> This doesn't seem to define the Pool-Name nor do I see where the server
> is processing any sql queries to determine the Pool-Name either.
> Am I mistaken?  I thought that I could get a DHCP packet to be
> received/processed by the server and hand out a response.

My policy.conf has this:

#  Assign compatibility data to request for sqlippool {

#  Do some minor hacks to the request so that it looks
#  like a RADIUS request to the SQL IP Pool module.
update control {
Pool-Name = "DHCP-default"
update request {

... and my sites-available/dhcp has additional instructions:
#   * Create sqlippool table, if you haven't done so already.
#       * Import the schema (see sql/mysql/ipool.sql).
#       * Populate the records. At minimum each row must have
#         Framed-IP-Address and Pool-Name = 'DHCP-default' (or whatever
#         you set 'Pool-Name' to on policy.conf).
#       * If you want to use static IP allocation, create a row on
#         radippol table with 'callingstationid' set to client's MAC
#         address (e.g. '00:16:3E:02:15:6B') and expiry time far in the
#         future (e.g. '3000-01-01 00:00:00').

Try updating your policy.conf and follow that instruction.

If that works for you, I'll probably send a git pull request to update
instructions in the included config files.


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