Digest auth - Freeradius & squid

Germano Paciocco germano.paciocco at gmail.com
Mon Oct 15 08:49:34 CEST 2012

Hi all.
I set up a squid installation which asks for credentials to a
freeradius server (with MySql DB), using squid_radius_auth.
Everything works with cleartext passwords, having two entries like the
following on radcheck table:

id	username	attribute			op	value
1	user		Cleartext-Password	:=	password
2	user		Expiration			:=	June 30 2015 14:7:8

I'm trying to understand how can I use digest authentication: is it possible?
What should I change in freeradius configuration?
How should I modify user entry in radcheck table?
Thanks in advance.


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