freeradius accounting off based on time

Giuseppe Marocchio giuseppe at
Sat Sep 22 17:35:33 CEST 2012


i believe that isn't a features of freeradius but is a sofware
implementation on you NAS. 

if your nas is mikrotik,  Mikrotik-Address-List + PCQ + Mangle is the
way to do your work, standard Mik rate limit cannot do that your boss

Good job 

On Sat, 2012-09-22 at 03:33 -0400, Sianoosh wrote:
> Hi Mohsen , 
> I think there are several ways to do that but the quickest solution is
> to do log users traffic in another table(clone of your original table)
> or DB during that period of time.this solution might not be the exact
> quick solution but the idea may help you.
> there are ofcourse permanent and temporary solutions for that issue
> too.
> Sianoosh (friend of Nima)
> On Sep 20, 2012 1:50 PM, "Mohsen Saeedi" <mohsen.saeedi at>
> wrote:
>         Hi
>         I'm using chillispot with freeradius. i wrote a perl module
>         for user traffic accounting with freeradius sql module to
>         limit users total traffic at the month or at the week. i
>         defined a few attribute fot this purpose. and the question
>         is : 
>         I need to enable a free traffic for all user at the specific
>         time. for example from 22:00 to 06:00. how can i enable it for
>         our users? we don't want to calculate this free traffic in the
>         user total traffic and it should free at the specific time.
>         thanks.
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Giuseppe Marocchio
Tel: (+39) 045.8538888
skype: giuseppe.marocchio

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