how to call stored procedure in free-radius server

Lakshmi Narayana Baliah LB0074453 at
Tue Jan 15 12:30:40 CET 2013

Hi Arran,

Thanks for your reply.... have created stored procedure(myS1Request) in oracle database 11g as shown below, procedure takes input and output parameters.
The below procedure should be called in the SQL module in Free-radius for Authentication and Authorization purpose.

PROCEDURE myS1Request(
        UserName         IN  VARCHAR2,
        MessageType      IN  LONG,
        RemoteAddress    IN  LONG,
        FemtoAp          IN  VARCHAR2,
        RadCoverageInd   IN  LONG,
        RadCellId        IN  LONG,
        Rad3GCellId      IN  LONG,
        RadGeoCord       IN  LONG,
        RadAltDirection  IN  LONG,
        HNBIPAddress     IN  LONG,
        RadPLMNId        IN  LONG,
        HNBCellIdentity  IN  LONG,
        RadLocAreaLAC    IN  LONG,
        RadRoutAreaCode  IN  LONG,
        RadServiceArCode IN  LONG,
 	  RadCSGId         IN  LONG,
        RadUECap         IN  LONG,
        Result           OUT VARCHAR2,
        RadRegRejCau     OUT LONG,
        RadLocBlacklInd  OUT LONG,
        HNBCellId        OUT LONG,
        RadServiceAreaC  OUT LONG,
        RadLocationAreaI OUT LONG,
        RadRoutAreaC     OUT LONG

please help me how can proceed...........

Lakshmi narayana | Prod Engineering | Tech Mahindra
#9/7 Hosur Road,Bangalore-560029
/Office: +91 80 40243000, Extn: 3486
| Mobile: +91 9060867386
Email:lb0074453 at

Message: 2
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2013 10:46:08 +0000
From: Arran Cudbard-Bell <a.cudbardb at>
To: FreeRadius users mailing list
	<freeradius-users at>
Subject: Re: how to call stored procedure with output varaibles in
Message-ID: <C47F1EE1-3524-4709-85FA-79D0B268C5D6 at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

On 15 Jan 2013, at 06:22, "Lakshmi Narayana Baliah" <LB0074453 at> wrote:

> Hi All,
> How to call my own stored procedure ,which takes input and output variable in free-radius server.
> How do i do that ??? please help....................

Guessing you're referring to stored procedures in SQL? Or are you misusing SQL terminology to refer to something like a subroutine or function writen in the policy language?



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