Imminent release of 2.2.5 and 3.0.3

Alan DeKok aland at
Fri Apr 18 14:26:24 CEST 2014

Phil Mayers wrote:
> I do find it really very sad they're using open-source software and
> don't feel they can do:
> ./configure --prefix=/opt/fr-$version
> make
> make install

  It's "policy".  The system needs to be "stable", so it can't be
upgraded.  But they're looking for help, because the system doesn't work
the way they want... which means it's not really "stable".

  This is the same attitude I saw at a previous company.  We did a
static analysis of the code base.  When it found bugs (lots), the
"senior" developers said in a review meeting:

  "We shouldn't change the code, because changing code creates bugs."

  I just looked at them, in awe of the blinding stupidity of the statement.

  Needless to say, FreeRADIUS uses static analysis.

  Alan DeKok.

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