rlm_sqlcounter: Max-Daily-Session.

* zhex900 at gmail.com
Fri May 16 12:02:59 CEST 2014


I kind of know what the problem is now. Hopefully, I am heading in the
right direction. This
me some ideas.

I added the following in inner-tunnel. How do I set the value of the
Session-Timeout attribute correctly?

update outer.reply {
          User-Name = "%{request:User-Name}"
          Session-timeout = "%{request:Session-timeout}"

But the radiusd -X shows Session-timeout  = 0

(7)   update outer.reply {
(7) expand: "%{request:User-Name}" -> 'bob'
(7) User-Name = "bob"
(7) expand: "%{request:Session-timeout}" -> ''
(7)  *Session-timeout = 0*
(7)   } # update outer.reply = noop
(7)  } #  post-auth = ok
} # server inner-tunnel


Jake He

On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 12:42 PM, * <zhex900 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Does Session-Timeout attribute needs to be in Access-Accept? Currently my
> radius send Session-Timeout in Access-Challenge.
> If so, how I do configure the radius to send Session-Timeout in
> Access-Accept?
> Jake He
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