RADIUS Server Authorization and Accounting - MY SQL Configuration - Please Help

Russell Mike radius.sir at gmail.com
Wed Nov 19 11:59:21 CET 2014

Hi Anusha

You are right, this is how it works. You need rlm_sqlcounter setup to
achieve that. Do you already have MySQL FreeRADIUS working setup?
Authentication & Accounting with MySQL ? Please note, accounting must work
with MySQL so that FreeRADIUS can calculate the time. please let me know if
you already have above. i can then help further.

Thanks / Prabhpal Singh

On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 9:27 AM, anusha mule <anusha.mule9988 at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> We have the following understanding RADIUS Authentication and Accounting
> flow :-
> 1.       When the Access-request from the NAS, Server will search in the
> radcheck table to check the attributes for the user.
> 2.       If check attributes are found and its matches to the user, then
> the server will pull the reply items (Attributes like Bandwidth, Volume,
> Timeout, etc) from the radreply table for this user and add it in the
> Access-Accept packet.
> 3.       On receiving Access-Accept packet, session will get established
> for the user and Accounting-Start message will get transmitted to the
> Server.
> 4.       The server will update the radacct table with Accounting start
> message.
> 5.       When the station get disconnected, Session should get deleted
> and Accounting-Stop message should sent to the Server including user
> statistics (like Session-time, input-octets, output-octets, etc)in it.
> 6.       Server will update the radacct table with all the attributed
> present in the STOP message.
> With let us consider the following simple scenario :-
> RADIUS Server having User details as
> User Name = Joe
> Password    = Joe123
> Timeout      = 30000 Secs
> Step 1: During the initial connect  - User should be authenticated and
> Access-Accept should contains the attribute value as 30000 Secs,
>               mentioning the max duration that the user session is
> allowed.
>               Once the session is established, RADIUS Accounting Start
> message is send to RADIUS server.
>                Next let us say, User has been disconnected after 20000
> Secs.
>                Again, the RADIUS Accounting Stop message with the
> consumed duration of 20000 Secs shall be send to the RADIUS Server.
> Step 2:   Now, when the same user tries to authenticate, he should be
> authenticated and the Access-Accept provide the Timeout attribute as 10000
> Secs ( i.e. 30000 Secs – 20000 Secs)
>                  Here, let us assume the user used the full session
> duration and get time out.
>                Again, the RADIUS Accounting Stop message with the
> consumed duration of 10000 Secs shall be send to the RADIUS Server.
> Step 3:   Now, when the same user tries to authenticate, he should be
> rejected.
> How can the above be achieved using radius server configurations.
> Kindly help us in this.
>  Thanks in advance.
> Thank you & Regards,
> Anusha M
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