info: WARNING: Child is hung for request XXXX in component <core> module (2.2.5)

Alan DeKok aland at
Fri Nov 21 17:50:06 CET 2014

Jonathan wrote:
> The problem we are having is that whenever a radius proxy server
> (outside of our control: eduroam national home server) doesn't respond
> in time, we get the following messages blocking freeradius:
> Fri Nov 21 17:02:07 2014 : Error: Internal sanity check failed for
> child state <= NEW MESSAGE since 2.2.6

  That means the following has happened:

- the server proxied a request to a home server
- eventually, the server gives up, and uses Post-Proxy-Type Fail
- while it's running that, the home server replies.

> Fri Nov 21 17:02:07 2014 : Error: Reply from home server A.B.C.D port
> 1812  - ID: 84 arrived too late for request 11986. Try increasing
> 'retry_delay' or 'max_request_time'
> Fri Nov 21 17:02:18 2014 : Error: WARNING: Unresponsive thread 11986
> for request 0, in component <core> module
> Fri Nov 21 17:02:19 2014 : Info: WARNING: Child is hung for request
> 11986 in component <core> module .

  That's wrong... it means that the request isn't being processed
through a module, BUT the server core thinks that a thread is still
processing it.

  Hmm... please try the v2.x.x branch:

  I've found one thing which makes me go "Huh?"

  Hopefully that should fix it.

  Alan DeKok.

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