Discarding Duplicate Request

John Douglass john.douglass at oit.gatech.edu
Thu Oct 2 17:27:00 CEST 2014

:) Rando,

There has been much discussion on this list about that problem. IF you 
are using Cisco WLC, there is a flaw in the way radius is processed 
which could lead to these log messages. Here is the previous set of 
threads that have some pointers as to what to look at.

Cisco WLCs use the same source port and the 8-bit ID that is used to 
track radius conversations during peak times, gets cycled so fast that 
it creates duplicates where there really shouldn't be. We are pushing 
Cisco hard to fix this flaw in their design especially since they are 
creating controllers with more and more capacity. The problem is only 
going to get worse.

I highly suggest you move to radius 2.2.5 and enable the ntlm_auth 
timeout and upgrade your samba to 3.6 where you can add some additional 
parameters. Here are some hints that Phil Huxley shared with us that 
have been helpful in making our services better. The issues haven't been 
handled 100%, and there are other things to consider like if using a 
Cisco WLC, enabling client exclusion, etc, etc but I don't have a ton of 
info on that as I just run the radius servers.


- John Douglass @ Georgia Tech

PS: I really need to write up a blog post about this :)
PSS: Yes we know AD is slow and it sucks as a backend but for a lot of 
us, it's what we have to deal with :)

On 10/02/2014 11:10 AM, Rando Nakarmi wrote:
> I been seeing quite a large number of message like below logged in 
> radius.log lately.
> Discarding duplicate request from client classroom98 port 32880 - ID: 
> 131 due to unfinished request 241848
> I read some thread, this might be the case when back-end server (i.e 
> auth servers) are too slow to respond.
> My back-end is AD, using ntlm_auth.
> radius version 2.1.12-4
> samba version 3.5.8-68
> Any hints or suggestion how to resolve this would be very helpful.
> Most of the users get authenticated ( I don't think ntlm_auth is 
> responding slow), I could not figure this out
> --cheers,
> Rando
> -
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