Beginner help

KAVYA PRABHAKAR kavyamelinmaneprabhakar at
Fri Oct 17 05:06:18 CEST 2014


Thanks for the reply.
I am using freeradius v3.0.3
Now TLS connection is established.
I get following error after 29.4seconds and sockets will be closed.

waking up in 29.4 seconds.
Reached idle timeout on socket auth from client (, 1645) -> (*,
2083, virtual-server=default)
 ... shutting down socket auth from client (, 1645) -> (*, 2083,
Waking up in 2.9 seconds.
... cleaning up socket auth from client (, 1645) -> (*, 2083,

I have changed idle_timeout period to 0 from 30.(in tls and default file)
According to my understanding 0 means infinite.
So sockets and connection has to be up for infinite amount of time.
Please Correct me if I am wrong!

When server gets a radius request it will go and check in client.conf and I
have the entry there as well.
Users file also has username and password information.
If I send radius request I get password incorrect error.
Should I modify any other files along with this.

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