RES: RES: RES: freeradius disconnect user using accounting

Leandro Melo - Netsul Telecom leandromelo at
Wed Apr 8 18:55:53 CEST 2015


thank you, but finally, help me in charge I have to put where the "..." to disconnect the connection.

just missing it.

thank you.


-----Mensagem original-----
De: Freeradius-Users [ at] Em nome de Alan DeKok
Enviada em: quarta-feira, 8 de abril de 2015 12:15
Para: FreeRadius users mailing list
Assunto: Re: RES: RES: freeradius disconnect user using accounting

On Apr 8, 2015, at 10:21 AM, Leandro Melo - Netsul Telecom <leandromelo at> wrote:
> thanks for the reply, using the session-timeout attribute in radreply works perfectly, but I need to create a global setting to disconnect all connections have the same time session-timeout and do not want to apply this setting on each connection in radreply.

  That should be simple.

> Another factor that is most important to perform this routine so do I need to disconnect the customer only between the hours of 00: 00hs to 06: 00hs, ie, even if the connection has reached its timeout the radius will expect the condition of time be pleased to disconnect the connection, something like this:
> if ("% {Acct-Session-Time}"> 30 && ($ (date + "% k") -g 0 && $ (date + "% k") -lt 6)) {
>   # Disconnects the connection
> }

  You can do pretty much this.   See the "expr" module to do math:

	if ((Acct-Session-Time > 30) && ("%{expr: 1 + 2}" < 4)) {

     You can get the current time in a variety of formats.  See:

  Alan DeKok.

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