Authentication and Content filter

Andrés Gómez andres.gomez.ruiz at
Wed Jul 22 16:37:30 CEST 2015

Thanks a lot Fernando!

My NAS can use D-VLAN, but only with MAC or 802.1x authentication, not with
Web authenticacion.

I think Squid is the answer, but I cant understand how does It work with


2015-07-22 8:38 GMT-05:00 Fernando Pizarro <feanpg at>:

> El 22/07/15 a las 15:04, Andrés Gómez escribió:
>> Hi everybody!!
>> I'm using a captive portal + freeradius + mysql to do AAA of users in a
>> private network. All work great. I can set timeout, up/down speed, etc.,
>> by
>> groups/profiles (using tables groupradcheck, grouradreply, etc in my mysql
>> DB). But Now I need to do an extra control. I need to implement a content
>> control based on the freeradius's user profiles.
>> I mean.
>> User of group1 can surf only on some list of websites.
>> User of group2 can surf only on .edu domines.
>> User of group3 have free surf.
>> I know it's not a task of freeradius to do content filter, but I have seen
>> than can do some integration with another free servers like Squid.
>> I appreciate if you can give me your advices.
>> Regards,
>>  Sorry, I can try explain better.
> If you freeradius act like router between your private network and
> Internet. Create diferent VLANs on the machine and add in your profiles
> Dynamic VLAN attributes for the groups.
> On Squid, create diferent ACLs for the radius profile with your filters.
> Sorry for my language.
> -
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*C. Andrés Gómez R.*

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