Conditional SQL module and server wide variables

Ricardo LarraƱaga ricardo.larranaga at
Fri Jun 26 04:07:11 CEST 2015

Hello Guys. I am running freeradius 3.0.4 on centos 7, and have 2
questions, i was wondering if someone can help me.

1) I use the file module and the sql module.
On the users file, i might have an exact entry for a user, or a DEFAULT
entry for a user.

What i would like to do is:
-If i match an exact entry, do not run sql module
-If i match a DEFAULT entry, run sql module.
Is this possible? As far as i could see, File module returns [ok], both for
exact and default match entries, so i am not sure on how to differentiate

2) Server Wide variables.
I am about to implement copy-acct-to-home-server in order to replicate
accounting between servers (cool feature!). Now, I understand that i am
responsible of writing a policy to drop packets in case one of the servers
i am copying accounting to goes down. What i would like to know is if i can
define a server wide variable like a counter, where i could increment the
number of times a server has not responded. If this goes over a threshold,
i can start dropping packets, in order not to load the server.

Thank you very much!

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