EAP-TLS CRL problem - a PKIX guru around?

Stefan Winter stefan.winter at restena.lu
Wed Mar 11 07:54:10 CET 2015


> I think you're right about the intermediate being the issue... if your leaf doesn't contain a CRL distribution point then openSSL can't be querying it.

I don't think OpenSSL follows CRLDPs on its own. CRLs need to be on the
filesystem besides the CA certs, with c_rehash. Then openssl does its
magic based on that data set.

I just did an openssl verify for the client certificate on my cmdline,
which yielded the same error.

> I notice that when I'm querying your root CRL, openssl is only returning the first entry. I wonder if it does that when doing an actual validation, as opposed to dumping the CRL.
> Also From your root CRL:
>             X509v3 Issuing Distrubution Point:
>                 00...,.*https://www.restena.lu/ca/restena-root.crl
> That looks wrong but given OpenSSL is spelling "distribution" wrong this could be a bug in the text output renderer...

I get this for an openssl x509 -in ... -noout -text on our root CA:

             X509v3 CRL Distribution Points:

                Full Name:

I think your text output misses the binary representation of "Full Name,
URI" and spits out the binary garbage untranslated.

So, I'm nowhere closer to finding what's wrong with my CRL. Colleagues
from another CA gave me their own (working) CRL to take a look - maybe I
should live a simpler life and issue CRL Version 1, which doesn't have
any notion of revocation reasons nor authority identifiers.


Stefan Winter

> Regards,
> Adam Bishop
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