freeradius configuration as a proxy

Alberto Pineda alberto.pineda at
Fri Apr 15 13:43:39 CEST 2016

Dear all,

I am working in a proof-of-concept and I need to configure a freeradius
server as a proxy. It should redirect all the queries to another server. I
have installed FreeRADIUS Version 2.1.12 in a Ubuntu 14.04.

First of all, I have created a client in clients.conf file:

client X.X.X.0/24{

           secret        = my-secret

           shortname = private-network-2


As the proxy server should redirect all the queries to the home server, in
proxy.conf file I have only configured the realm DEFAULT as follows

 realm DEFAULT{

          authhost       = X.X.X.X:1812

          accthost       = X.X.X.X:1813

          secret           = home-server-secret



I have added nostrip option because the queries should reach the home
server with the realm.

The problem is that the queries reach the home server but without the
realm. Could you help me with this? Does anybodoy know what I am doing

Thank you in advance for your help.

Best regards,

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